Complex numbers have a real part and an imaginary part. They are typically written in the form , where and are real numbers, and is the imaginary unit with . Can sometimes be denoted with instead of too.

  • Complex Conjugate(Liittoluku): The complex conjugate of a complex number is . It mirrors across the real axis in the complex plane.
  • Polar Form (Osoitinmuoto): A complex number can also be expressed in polar coordinates as , where is the modulus (or absolute value) of and is the argument (or angle) of . This form is particularly useful for multiplying and dividing complex numbers.
  • Exponential Form (Eksponenttimuoto): Using Euler’s formula, , the exponential form of a complex number is . This form simplifies many operations involving complex numbers, such as exponentiation.
  • Division of Complex Numbers: To divide two complex numbers, and , you multiply the numerator and the denominator by the complex conjugate of the denominator:


  1. Complex Conjugate Example: For , the complex conjugate .
  2. Polar Form Example: Convert to polar form.
    • Modulus:
    • Argument:
    • Polar form:
  3. Exponential Form Example: Using the polar coordinates from above, can also be written as .
  4. Complex Number Division Example: Divide by .
    • Using the division formula: