
  • LU Decomposition decomposes a matrix into a Lower triangular matrix and an Upper triangular matrix .
  • It facilitates solving systems of linear equations, matrix inversion, and determinant calculation.

LU Decomposition for a 3x3 Matrix:

Given a matrix , LU decomposition is finding and such that , where:

  • is a lower triangular matrix.
  • is an upper triangular matrix.

Doolittle Algorithm for LU Decomposition

  • The Doolittle algorithm splits a matrix into lower and upper triangular matrices, requiring non-zero leading principal minors.
  • When this condition isn’t met, a permutation matrix is introduced, enabling decomposition through row swapping.
  • This step ensures decomposition continuity across a wider matrix range.

Step-by-Step Example

Given a matrix :

We want to find and such that .

  1. Initialize and with zeros and ’s diagonal with ones:
  1. Fill (U)‘s first row and (L)‘s first column:

    • for
    • for
  1. Compute (U)‘s second row and (L)‘s second column:

    • Update for
    • for
  1. Fill (U)‘s third row:

    • Update for

Now, where and are:

PLU: Row Swapping Example:

  • Applying a permutation matrix rearranges ’s rows to avoid division by zero:
  • This modification enables the Doolittle algorithm to process without encountering mathematical hindrances, demonstrating the critical role of in decomposition.